Prenatal Preparation
Caring and preparing your bits for the most amazing miracle. Ensuring your pelvic floor and the rest of you is best prepared for the changing demands in your body.
Postnatal Recovery
Helping the recovery of your pelvic floor and the rest of your bits after you pass a cantaloupe through something much smaller.
Painful Intercourse
Because sex is not supposed to hurt. It's not. Initial entry or deep within, sex shouldn't hurt.
Spring a Leak?
We've all heard the jokes about wearing diapers when growing old, or leaking after having babies...Not necessary.
Bossy Bladder
Plan your life around the closest toilet? Know all the pit stops on your road trips? No more losing sleep because of that bossy bladder.
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Aching pelvis? Difficulty emptying your bladder or bowels? A bulge where there shouldn't be? Using exercise and body awareness to get things back in place.
All that Pain
When the thought of sitting down makes you cringe, it's time for skilled intervention. Everything between your feet and your head can affect your pelvis and the contents within. Low back, SI joint, pelvic pain and more, it's all connected.