All That Pain
Pain is one word that has no scale. From a bug bite to a broken ankle, giving birth or recovering from surgery, a herniated disk or cancer, sciatic nerve or other neuropathic symptoms, joint pain, low back pain, SI or pubic joint pain- all those dysfunctions feel entirely different yet we only have one word to summarize it: Pain.
Common Conditions Treated:
Pelvic Pain:
SI joint, Pubic joint, Hip joint
Painful Bladder Syndrome
Abdominal or Pelvic trigger points
Coccyx pain
Groin pain
Pudendal Neuralgia
Vulvar Pain
Chronic pelvic pain
Perineal Pain : scar tissue after birth and other
Low back pain:
General Pain
Herniated discs
Time to Heal the Woman Warriors
The therapist at Lady Bits PT will get to the root of your pain, find its true source and resolve the musculoskeletal dysfunctions with gentle conservative treatment options. During your therapy sessions you will learn about how pain affects your central nervous system, techniques to quiet those pain signals and reset your brain back to it's pre-injury state. Our therapist is passionate about treating the whole person. You are more than your pain, you are more than your injury. You are one of the many woman warriors out there trying to do it all- come and benefit from the quiet healing space at Lady Bits PT with a therapist passionate about nurturing the whole woman.