At Lady Bits, we offer pelvic floor therapy.
Pelvic floor therapy is a specialized kind of therapy to relieve symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction and help the muscles work the way they should to support your urinary and reproductive tracts.
There may be a variety of reasons that lead you to our door, but all will receive the same quality and care in treatment. It is our mission to make all patients feel welcome, safe, and heard.
During your first visit, we will review your medical history, your current issue and all surrounding symptoms. We will then explain the examination process in full detail using models and pictures. Based on your specific level of comfort, we can complete the full exam or any part that you feel comfortable with. Feel free to bring your baby, husband, family member or friend for a chaperone.
Reasons women visit Lady Bits:
Caring and preparing your bits for the most amazing miracle. Ensuring your pelvic floor and the rest of you is best prepared for the changing demands in your body. Experiencing pelvic pain in pregnancy is common, but not normal. We provide interventions to treat pubic symphysis dysfunction, low back/SI pain, round ligament pain, and perineal preparation as well as functional core strengthening exercises to meet your body as it grows.
Does your crotch hurt? Do you wince and curse every time you roll over in bed? Shooting pain down the back of your leg? Pelvic pain with walking or standing up from a chair? You don't have to live with those painful symptoms until delivery.
The Lady Bits Team will guide you through gentle exercises and provide manual therapy to keep you balanced and supported as your body grows. Treating, Preventing and Managing common musculoskeletal challenges:
Round ligament pain. As your uterus grows it stretches the ligament which can cause very sharp pains in your labia (what! no one told you about this lovely part of preganacy?!) with transitional movements which can often be resolved in a single visit.
Trunk and Spine Pain: Diastasis Recti, SI pain, Rib pain, Symphysis Pubis dysfunction (SPD), Back pain, Coccyx pain, Pelvic Ring dysfunction
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: Incontinence.
Learn how to control and relax your pelvic floor muscles before you get to the delivery room.
We recommend pregnant ladies try to come:
Week 16-20: a 90-minute session to balance the pelvic bones and ligaments attaching to the womb and sacrum. This session can also include exercises to keep your core/hips stable and strong for this stage of pregnancy. Please book 2 hours for this if you are having any complex pelvic pain plus leakage in order to allow for more time for bodywork and exercised to be customized.
Week 28: Come back for a 90-minute session to ensure balance of the pelvic bones and all ligament attaching to the womb. This visit will also include an internal pelvic floor muscle check to get the baseline of measurements of tension/strength and identify if there are an. Exercise changes will likely be made to your home program during this session.
Week 34-35: Last session to ensure balance of the pelvic bones and all ligament attaching to the womb. This session should also include internal work to ensure the pelvic floor muscles are soft and happy in preparation for birth. Plan 60 minutes if you are generally pain free, or 90 minutes if you have been having any pelvic pain during your pregnancy. We will also cover perineal stretching/prep in this session and ensure you are confident in connecting to your pelvic floor for push prep.
As each pregnancy is different, some women may need to come in more often for adjustments in their exercises and self-care. Some women benefit coming in every 4-6 weeks to receive bodywork and exercise adjustments based on their specific body and pregnancy, especially if this is a second+ pregnancy or back to back pregnancy with no or a short break in breastfeeding between babies.
Helping the recovery of your pelvic floor and the rest of your bits after you pass a cantaloupe through something much smaller. We address and treat all the biomechanical changes that occurred during pregnancy (expanded rib cage, shifted and often misaligned pelvic bones, myofascial restrictions around your entire trunk, visceral changes in organ positioning) before we start any exercises. Structure determines function, and many women find they cannot connect to their core or ‘feel like themselves' ' in their body postpartum. We start with the bodywork, and finish with exercises to ensure the best outcomes. If you ended up with a C-seciton or required suturing for perineal tearing, we will address scar tissue to reduce pain and improve tissue mobility as well.
Because sex is not supposed to hurt. It's not. Initial entry or deep within, sex shouldn't hurt.
We've all heard the jokes about wearing diapers when growing old, or leaking after having babies...Not necessary. Often leaking is about abdominal pressure management, which requires total core functioning between your pelvic floor, abdominal wall, and your diaphragm.
Plan your life around the closest toilet? Know all the pit stops on your road trips? No more losing sleep because of that bossy bladder.
Aching heavy pelvis? Difficulty emptying your bladder or bowels? A bulge where there shouldn't be? Using exercise and structural bodywork and visceral mobilization to reduce symptoms and restore function.
When the thought of sitting down makes you cringe, it's time for skilled intervention. Everything between your feet and your head can affect your pelvis and the contents within. Low back, SI joint, pelvic pain and more, it's all connected.
Sore hard boob? We offer gentle ultrasound to unclog those pathways and Red Light therapy to reduce inflammation. One clog is usually 30 minutes, the whole boob blocked or both boobs can be a full hour.
We’d Love to Treat You
Appointments are available based on two criteria - if you are a new or existing client, and length of visit:
Initial Evaluation/Consultation (2 hours)
Initial visits include the evaluation, treatment and patient Education. Many of those first sessions also include specific exercise training as well depending on the reason for your visit.
Follow Up Visit (90 minutes)
Follow Up Visit (60 minutes)
Short visit (45 minutes)